
Masonry Paint For Wood

Can You Use Masonry Paint On Wood?

It is possible to use masonry paint on wood. The main reason for applying this paint is for decorating, but you can use it for insulating and protection purposes. Note that you can’t use the masonry paint directly on your wood. The wood is a porous material, and a lot of paint will be absorbed by the wood, which leaves you with a patchy surface. Before painting, there is some preparation work that you ought to perform on your wood.

There are various ways that homeowners use to improve the efficiency of wood in their home. One of these ways is the application of masonry paint on wood. Using an appropriate product for painting ensures that the paint on your wood lasts for a long period. So, if you have been asking yourself whether you should apply masonry paint on wood, we have detailed answers for you.

What is masonry paint?

Masonry paint, in simple terms, is a paint that is for painting items outside buildings. Its design makes it bond well with coarse and rough surfaces. There are more rough surfaces outside your building than inside your house. 

Masonry paint can withstand harsh conditions throughout the year. When you use masonry paint on your wood, it blocks the moisture and rain from seeping into cracks which causes expansion and contraction. Cracks enlarge, and the long-term effect is structural damage.

Quality masonry paint is a perfect way of protecting your brickwork and the beauty of your home for a more extended period. Moreover, they come in many colours allowing you to choose your most preferred colour that will appeal to your building.

What can you paint with masonry paint?

There are many areas in your building where you can apply masonry paint. Areas that have uneven, textured, and rough surfaces are ideal for masonry paint. Examples of these masonry areas are concrete floors, concrete walls, bricks, metals, softwood, and stucco. 

Because the paint is available in many colours, sometimes you may find it hard to choose colours that suit your building. For these reasons, it will be a good idea to choose muted colours. Versatile colours such as grey masonry paint, dark grey masonry paint, black masonry paint, and white masonry paint coordinate well with different surrounding furnishings. 

Masonry paint provides a thick coating on rough areas such as bricks. Also, painting using masonry paint gives an insulating layer that helps in improving energy efficiency in your home.

Can masonry paint be used on fences?

We have already established that you can use masonry paint on wood. Before using it on fences, you should first check whether the paint is suitable for external grade surfaces, including fences. In this case, the fence is much exposed to external elements. For fences, you should use exterior masonry paint, which works well for rough outdoor surfaces. 

Before you begin applying the paint on your fence, you need to sand it, clean all mould and moss, and repair any hole or cracks on its surface. The whole process provides you with a smooth canvas that ensures the paint doesn’t appear lumpy.

After you are done with preparations, apply a primer to give your paint an undercoat that matches the wood in resisting flaking by adding a protective layer. Once the primer layer dries, you can add another layer and apply your masonry paint on your fence. 

How does masonry paint on wood help insulate your home?

Applying masonry paint on the woodwork at your home ensures the entire property is protected. If you can manage to paint all the surfaces in your home, you will never have to worry as the paint would have protected all your woodwork. 

Unpainted areas form the weak points on your property and are very porous. Their surfaces facilitate the absorption of water and moisture, which get trapped into the material. This allows expansion and contraction of water in the wood enlarging the already formed small cracks. As a result, your building becomes damp, cold and expensive to run. Long-term absorption of water in your wood may damage your entire property. 

Masonry paint on your property’s wood and other materials combat their porous nature by providing a coating. The paint works to seal exterior walls but still allows them to breathe and move just like living things: expands and contracts as usual despite the insulation.

Is masonry paint waterproof?

Water-based and waterproof are completely two different things. Waterproof masonry stops the rain and moisture from penetrating into the wood. Almost all masonry paints are water-based. 

How to apply masonry paint on wood?

Below are important steps that you should follow when applying masonry paint on your wood if you do not want to end up with a flaking effect.

Step 1 

The first thing you need to do is to prepare both the paint and the wood surface—perfect preparation results in best results. Ensure you have a smooth surface to prevent issues such as flaking paint, too damp paint, and cracks. 

Step  2 

This is the step where you apply primers. When you apply masonry paint directly, most of it gets absorbed due to the porous nature of wood. Using premier to prepare material for painting prevents painting problems in future. Otherwise, the paint will flake off and your paint will become dusty and chalky. 

Step 3

In this step, you are supposed to dry the wood surface. Painting is effective when applied on dry surfaces and under dry conditions. Before applying, measure the surrounding temperature; if the temperature is above 8°C, you are good to go. Anything lower than 8°C can result in a below-average painting.

Step 4

Perform the painting under the shade. Avoid doing the painting under direct sunlight; masonry paint becomes blisters while drying.

Step 5

Always choose the right painting tools. When applying masonry paints, paintbrushes are likely to give better results compared to rollers. A 3 to 4 masonry brush will do a good job for you. If you prefer a roller of brushes, pick a medium one or pile sleeve to paint large areas effectively and in a shorter time.

How much paint do I need?

The quantity of masonry paint you require will heavily depend on the area you are applying the paint. Before you buy the paint, you should first determine the amount needed to avoid buying less or too much paint. The following guidelines will help you to figure out the amount of masonry paint you need.

  • First, measure the height and length of the area you want to apply the paint.
  •  Multiply the two to get the surface area of your workpiece.
  • At the shop, choose the amount of paint that matches your workpiece’s surface area.

Usually, the paint’s tin indicates the coverage rate: how many square metres per litre. Another important thing to remember when determining the amount of masonry paint required is, you will need to apply at least two layers in most cases.

Why should you choose masonry paint over emulsion paints?

Choosing between masonry and emulsion paints depends on needs, tastes and preferences. Typically, masonry paint is used for painting exterior areas of properties. But, with the latest technology, masonry paint has become so versatile. On the contrary, emulsion paints, in most cases, are for internal use. Emulsion paints are weak to resist harsh external conditions such as rain, summer, and winter. Long-term exposure to external conditions causes the emulsion to tear and fade out.

Masonry paint is best for your external wood needs as it is strong enough to resist harsh weather conditions. Surfaces with masonry paint on them allow vapour and moisture to escape away from the surface. Also, masonry paint insulates and protects your wood. For indoors, you can use either masonry or emulsion paints. 

What are the types of masonry paint?

Masonry paints are classified according to the finish they provide: textured, coarse, smooth gloss, satin, matt or heavily textured. Notwithstanding, a quality masonry paint serves its purposes efficiently. 

They are two types of masonry paints. In most hardware stores, you will find:

  • Smooth masonry paint
  • Textured masonry paint

Smooth masonry paint

It is available in various finishes. Different finishes depend on the manufacturer and the ingredients used in the process of making the paint. Some of the smooth masonry paint finishes include satin, matt, and gloss finishes. This kind of paint is easy to apply and spread across a vast surface, leaving a perfect finish. You can also apply smooth masonry paints on surfaces with blemishes. 

Textured masonry paint

This type of masonry paint provides high levels of protection on your wood. If you live in areas with extreme climates, this is the best paint for you. The paint seals up all the fine cracks and has the ability of resisting all forms of weather changes. 

Factors to consider when choosing masonry paint

You don’t just go to a hardware and ask for masonry paint. There are several things that you need to look at before taking one home. Below are some of these factors:

  • Local ordinance: Before buying masonry paint for your exterior, investigate whether your area has any local regulations on the colour choices for your home.
  • Consider your house: Traditional homes look great in colour shades that honour the era they were built. Modern houses will look great in colours that are currently popular. Light colours will make small houses exteriors more unique and larger while big houses are more flexible with colours.
  • Purpose: If you are applying for protection and insulation, choose textured masonry paint. And if you are looking for masonry paint that will reflect heat away, smooth masonry paint will do.

Importance of painting your wooden structure or home

The following are benefits associated with using masonry paint on your wood. They are:

  • Painting helps to create a pest-proof layer on your property. Wood creates a conducive habitat for pest breeding. The Long-term effects of this can damage your property. Whether your home is entirely made of wood or it is just the deck or siding, you need to apply masonry paint in order to prevent or get rid of pests in your home. Pests like termites eat away your wood which makes it more susceptible to rotting.
  • Masonry paint makes your property waterproof. The painting offers you another effective and easier way to waterproof your property. When your woodwork gets exposed to water, it becomes more prone to rotting. Away from that, water can cause cracks, peeling off paint, ugly spots, and mould growth. Applying masonry paint allows water and moisture to escape away from the surface of your woodwork. 
  • The masonry paint helps in blocking direct sunlight on your woodwork. The harsh Uv rays from the sun play a major role in destroying your woodwork when it comes into direct contact with them. The rays are responsible for the discolouration and fading out of the wood. Painting creates a coating that prevents your wooden structure from coming into direct contact with the Uv rays, giving it a prolonged lifespan. 
  • Painting your wood saves you a lot of repair expenses. When your wooden structure gets infested by pests, it becomes susceptible to rotting. A rotten wood needs to be replaced. Also, unpainted woodwork absorbs moisture and water, which causes expansion of cracks and mould development, and at some point, you will need to replace the wood. Painting prevents all these expenses by making your woodwork resistant to water, moisture and pests.
  • Masonry paint will ensure your interior is cooler during hot conditions. Harsh hot temperatures characterise summer seasons. High temperatures can make both the exteriors and interiors uncomfortable. Wood helps in keeping your home cooler in such conditions. Applying masonry paint will enhance the cooling effect that wood brings into your house. A finishing that can reflect away the heat, such as gloss and satin, would be effective in keeping your house cool.
  • Masonry paint creates a unique appearance on your property. Painting makes your house more distinctive and attractive. In addition, you can use masonry paint to come up with a unique design. These paints are ideal for both traditional and modern homes.

We have already established that you can use masonry paint on your woodwork. Preparatory measures offer the best results on your timber. So, whatever ways you want to paint your wooden structures, spend more time preparing the structures for painting. 

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