

Bosch dishwasher water issues

Bosch Dishwasher Check Water Light – How To Fix It

It is frustrating finding your dishwasher not working and your dishes still greasy. As the dishes pile up, you try to decode the Bosch check water light signal from the dishwasher. Bosch dishwashers are fitted with a self-diagnosis system. If there are changes in its operations, it lights up. The tap icon is one of the indicators.

The tap symbol on the Bosch dishwasher indicates that either the inlet filters and outlet anti-flooding hose are likely blocked or restricted in some way. This means that water flow through the dishwasher is too slow. The tap could be jammed with build up deposits or could be clogged.

Types of Check Water Signals

The tap warning sign is not necessarily indicative of problems with water flow issues. It is meant to notify you that there are problems with the dishwasher. When the signal blinks, it means that it is a more serious issue. Reset the dishwasher and turn it back on after a few minutes. If it is still blinking, it could be an e15 error.

Bosch Dishwasher e15 Error

To correct an e15 error, disconnect the power supply cable and tilt the dishwasher 45°. These actions keep the anti-flooding switch from sticking in the tray. To drain water in the tray, tilt the unit and dry the water. Let it dry out for a day before using it again. Tilting and draining water actions may be enough to correct the e15 error. If it keeps signalling, it shows a more serious fault.

Solid Check Water Light

If the signal is solid, check if the filters for the inlet hose in the unit and the drain are blocked. You can also try and increase the water pressure by turning the water supply tap about halfway.

Blinking Check Water Light

A flashing warning light means that the unit needs a service, one you can do yourself as shown further below. The water warning signal is from the unit not draining the water correctly.

Red Flashing Signal

The dishwasher might flash a red warning signal when the washing temperatures and low. The dishwasher uses an element to heat the water for cleaning the dishes. If the operating temperatures are low, the unit takes a long time to clean. It will start flashing a red warning light indicating the heating element might be faulty and needs a replacement.

Why is There Water in the Bottom of My Dishwasher

The main reason why your dishwasher is not draining water is a clogged filter or clogged outlet hose. Food debris is generally the main culprit here. We’ll get into more detail further down about how to clean up the filters and the outlet hose.

Common Reasons For The Dishwasher Check Water Light

The tap lighting up could indicate:

  • Bent water inlet hose
  • Tap is turned off
  • Clogged inlet filter
  • Filters in the unit are blocked
  • Blockage in dishwasher sump
  • The drain pipe is blocked
  • The siphon connection is not working
  • The pump is not functioning as it is not closed tightly or it’s clogged

The dishwasher stopped mid-cycle, and checking the dishwasher, everything seems to be fine. The dishwasher is not working and the annoying light is still on. Before you call your local handyman, there are a few things that you can do. We will look at a few common issues and how they might solve your issue.

How To Fix A Bosch Dishwasher Not Filling With Water

Having water not entering your dishwasher not only means you wont get clean plates, but may also cause damage to the dishwasher in the long term.

These fixes may seem simple but they are more than often quickly dismissed and overlooked when it comes to dishwasher troubleshooting.

Check That The Water Supply Is On

I’ve you’ve only just had the dishwasher installed or recently had some plumbing work done, the water supply to the dishwasher may not me on. To check this, first find the tap that connects water to the dishwasher. These are generally found underneath the sink and may look a bit different to your ordinary taps. Give the tap a quick turn to ensure it is turned on.

Dishwasher water supply tap

Check The Supply Hose For Kinks

The water supply hose is the grey hose in the picture above the connects the water supply tap to the dishwasher. Make sure this hose hasn’t become twisted or bent with a kink as this would significantly restrict the water supply. This can be a common issue as the water hoses are often too long and are just stuffed in under the sink when installed. To try and stop this issue in the future, you can always disconnect and cut the hose yourself to shorten it so it fits in a lot better.

Fixes If Your Dishwasher Will Not Drain

If you have standing water in the bottom of the dishwasher, this means something is blocking the water drainage system. These blockages are usually a build up of food, grease and grime. In my experience, water not being able to escape from the dishwasher is the most likely culprit for the check water light.

Follow the tips below to fix the issue.

Clean The Dishwasher Filter Unit

The outlet filter is your dishwashers first line of defence when it comes to stopping major blockages in the waste water lines. These filers work to catch any large pieces of food left on your dishes to prevent them from entering the water pump and drainage line. You can find there filters at the bottom of your dishwasher. They are made to be easily removed by simply lifting them up.

You can clean the filter in the sink with some soapy water to remove any food and grime build up. These filters generally come in a few separate pieces and so can come apart for easier cleaning. Once cleaner, put the pieces back together and slide it back into bottom of the dishwasher. Ensure is slides into place and fits snuggly.

As the filter collects the bulk of the waste and rubbish, this simple clean could be all you need to do in 90% of cases. If the dishwasher still has issues draining, continue on with our other steps.

Cleaning dishwasher outlet filter

Check For Blockages In The Dishwasher Sump

The section where you dishwasher filter sits is referred to as the dishwasher sump. The sump is the lowest point in your dishwasher so all the water flows into it and houses the water pump. Some food and rubbish can slip paste the filter and make its way into the sump. I once found a small sheet of plastic that found its way in there which did a great job of blocking the waters escape route. Simply clean out the sump of any rubbish to fix this issue.

Dishwasher Sump Blockage

If that does not solve the issue, we will need to continue down to the drain pump.

Fixing The Dishwasher Drain Pump

The drain pump drains wastewater using what’s called an impeller (like a boat propeller but works a bit differently). . The pump is found within the sump and is usually covered with plastic clips to help protect them. You can take these clips off with the use of a flat blade screwdriver. Please do this very carefully as you don’t want to break the clips.

Once the clips are removed, you should be able to see the impeller. Use your finger to see if you can spin the impeller, if not there must be something blocking it. In my case there was a popcorn kernel left over from the last movie night. Once the debris, the impeller should spin freely again. Note that these pumps are meant to run with water flowing through them. They may have burned out or become damaged if there has been prolonged water blockage issues. In this case you may need a replacement pump.

Remove Blockages From The Drain Line

You’ll likely find the end of the drain line below your sink, its the grey pipe in the picture below. Be sure to check the hose for any kinks that may be restricting water flow. The easiest way to tell if the pipe is blocked is to unscrew the faster connecting it to the waste water line and to point the house into a bucket.

Turn the dishwasher on and if water starts pouring into the bucket at a constant rate, you likely don’t have any issues. If you are concerned about blockages, you can use a long wire brush or metal coat hanger to disturb any blockages. Next run the dishwasher with an empty load to push any remaining debris through the line.

Dishwasher Drain line

Other Dishwasher Fixes and Tips

  • Check visually that there is no water leakage from the unit. The dishwasher tank can burst after a prolonged use period, though this is rarely the case. The dishwasher sensor may also be faulty, and it may run even without water in the tank.
  • Do not run the machine with leaking water into the tray. Find the reasons behind the water leaking before continuing use. Remember to replace the sensor of the unit for alerts when it malfunctions.
  • To prevent the dishwasher’s malfunctions, schedule regular cleaning of the filters and the dishwasher unit.
  • To clean the dishwasher unit, pour a cup of white vinegar into a dishwasher-friendly container. Run the dishwasher hot-water cycle to remove grease and residues. It will remove smells too. Sprinkle baking soda on the bottom of the dishwasher for a final rinse. Use Bosch de-scaler a few times a year to remove water deposit build up.

How To Reset a Bosch Dishwasher

Depending on the type of dishwasher you have, you can reset the dishwasher to get it to drain. You can reset the dishwasher by long-pressing the start button for 3-5 seconds. In older models, press the cancel or drain button to drain the unit. If the problem is not solved, reboot the unit by turning off the unit’s power and on the circuit breaker for about 30 seconds. Power on the dishwasher, and it should operate normally.

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